Friday, September 7, 2012

The chaos that was Thursday morning...

I did not have the best start to my eats yesterday morning. It was a bit of a dramatic gong show around here as is typical for school mornings. Anyone else have a tween girl that is a pain in the butt to get up and moving in the morning? And this is only day 3 of school! How many more years of this do I have? Ughh....By the time the battle of the morning was over, also known as operation get to school on time, I hadn't eaten anything for breakfast.  So, I stopped at Starbucks on my way to work and had a soy chai latte.

I know, I know...a latte isn't breakfast. The good news is that I had managed to throw a lunch together for myself amidst all the chaos this morning, and this lunch included some fruit, so I had some when I got to work.

A banana, blueberries and chopped up nectarine. I may have even had a few bites of nectarine while I was packing my lunch come to think of it....oops. No photo. Let's just say between what's in the container here and the bite or two I ate while packing my lunch = 1 nectarine.

A few hours later and it was lunch time. Not much to say here...leftover Wheatberry Chickpea salad. A lunch with PROTEIN in it! Yay!

I spent most of my afternoon prepping for my evening program. I'm doing this new split shift thing on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that I can pick up my daughter right after school. It might cost me more in gas but being there for my daughter after school is SO worth it! Next best thing to being a stay at home mom ;-)

While I prepped my program, I took a little break to have a snack.

Mary's Organic rice crackers and hummus (also with protein in it).

And that was part 1 of my work day. I left work in a hurry to pick my daughter up from school. When I pulled up in the back lane to wait for her, I saw her sitting in the field with some friends, smiling and chatting away. It made my day to see her happy! When the bell finally rang, she came over to the car and we drove home. She told me about her day, then apparently decided that the computer is more interesting than me. I was okay with that though 'cause I had dinner to cook and dishes to wash (note to hubby: the dishes are balling out of control. please address asap).

Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be tricky for dinners. I'm going to need quick things that I can make before I go back to work for part 2: the evening shift. Tonight's choice was baked cheese tortellini with rose sauce.

I had a small bowl of pasta, kissed my family good bye and raced back to work to teach program. The good news about program was that the guys really participated well. The bad news about program is that there were only 4 of 7 there which means more work for me 'cause I need to do three makeup sessions now. Sigh. It's okay though...I love my job.

By the time I got home again, around 8:30 I needed food and I was craving junk food. I tried to settle my craving with a protein bar.

It worked for a while. Then I got hungry again. This time I made popcorn. I figured between the protein bar and the popcorn, my sweet and salty cravings would both be addressed.

The before and after. I've said it once and I'll say it of the things I'm most proud of is my lack of binge eating anymore. I used to start on junk food and eat every last bite (read: bag of chips instead of handful and bowl of popcorn instead of just enough to satisfy my craving). Now I can stop...before the food's all gone.

And that was my eating day. No exercise today, with the exception of all the running around I do on a daily basis as part of the job description of 'super mom'. Today was a 'rest' day and it was much needed. Back to training tomorrow!

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