Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to school

Today was the first day of school. Sort of. For some silly reason, my daughter's school had the kids attend class for 45 minutes in the morning. In last year's classroom. Pretty anti-climactic huh? Despite this, my daughter was still excited for back to school, mostly to see her friends. And I was excited for her. I rushed around the house like crazy, made her some cereal, got her organized for school and basically forgot to eat anything myself. My husband and I dropped her off at school, stalked her for a little (can't help it, we're protective like that) and then hit up Starbucks.

Yay for Starbucks soy chai lattes! I took one look at this picture and realized that I needed to change my nail polish...look at those nails! Geez. I planned to fix this problem tonight. After Starbucks, I dropped my husband off at the skytrain station, and then went back to my daughter's school to pick her up. She met me with a big smile on her face meaning the morning was a success. And since it was a success, when we went home I relaxed for a bit and had some breakfast. Finally.

A banana, multigrain toast and 1/2 cup of blueberries. It was good! After we ate, I took my daughter to the library because she wanted to get the book that Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging is based on (remember the post from a few days ago?). Afterwards, we went back home and had lunch.

Leftover manicotti it was! And it still tasted good.

With full tummies, we then headed out for a last bit of back to school shopping. This time, we hit up Queensborough Landing. We looked for a cool Roxy pencil case and lunch bag and couldn't find either. We did however, manage to get the last of the actual school supplies (markers, glue etc) from Walmart. We considered going to Metrotown next to find a lunch bag and pencil case, but my chicklet, who had woken up really early this morning for the first time in a long time was too tired...so we went home instead. And when we got there, I had some almonds. 15 to be exact.

After I ate those, my daughter and I went to Burnaby Hit. I had to get in my workout to meet my 3 times/week goal (and to keep up with my new training schedule)! When I got there, one of the amazing trainers pointed out to me that I've not been getting enough protein in my diet. Sigh. I suppose if I keep getting that feedback, I should probably start listening huh? Fast forward ahead a few hours and I calculated that I probably need about 81 grams of protein daily given the amount of exercising I do now (body weight/2.2 x 1.5 was the formula I found online). I'm going to have to either 1. start getting creative or 2. start adding protein powder to my diet. I'll let you all know what I figure out when I figure it out okay? But I'm trying!! And on that note...I ate a protein bar when I got home post workout and after I picked up my hubby from work.

For the record, my workout was great as usual...I always feel amazing when I walk out the door, despite the fact that I usually look like hell. Unfortunately, when my daughter and I left something terrible occurred. She dropped her IPOD touch. And it landed face down on the cement. Yep. The screen cracked and she was super upset. The good news is my hubby took a look at it and we can probably get the screen replaced 'cause apparently the LCD part underneath wasn't wrecked. Fingers crossed that it's cheaper to get this one fixed than to buy a new one! But back to the food...with my chocolate craving settled and some protein in my system, I decided to have a glass of wine while I prepped for my stirfry dinner.

I chopped, sauteed, and seasoned my veggies and put them on top of some rice. Yummy!

And that was it for my eats today. Healthy, satisfying, and colourful! Nothing too exciting happened in the evening. I hung out with my daughter. We watched TV. She went to bed. I resisted BBQ munchie chips while my hubby ate them. I did my post. On time even! And on that note, I'm going to bed. Early mornings kill me and I'm still not accustomed to waking up at 6am...it's been awhile. So goodnight for now!

1 comment:

  1. VEGA Sport protein....plant based, so it's good for vegetarians....take in the morning with breakfast, and within 30 minutes post-workout.

    If you won't listen to me (sigh) Shan, then listen to your trainer at Burnaby Hit!!! :)
