Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On the mend...

When I woke up this morning I immediately knew there was no way I was making it in to work. I still felt like garbage. I got out of bed long enough to see my husband and daughter out the door and went to lie back down. This was not how I was hoping to start my week.

Sadly, I couldn't sleep much longer so I dragged my butt out of bed and decided to try to eat something. I still hadn't had a chance to get to the grocery store to buy more breakfast stuff (like, oh I don't know, Kashi cereal) so I had my go to multigrain toast.

After I ate my toast, I held it together long enough to throw the whole chicken I had thawed out the night before into the slow cooker. I put butter under the skin and seasoned the chicken with poultry seasoning, paprika and salt and pepper. I chopped up an onion, some garlic and fresh parsley and threw it in the chicken cavity. I made some tin foil balls for the chicken to sit on, put in in the slow cooker, added a cup of chicken broth and decided I was exhausted so went to lie on the couch. I took some cold medicine, threw a blanket on, watched TV, dozed on and off and tried to will myself to feel better. And it worked! Kind of. A few hours later, I was hungry again. Apparently being lazy and sleeping all day makes you hungry! My fridge was still looking pretty empty and I had absolutely zero desire to make anything so I heated up a small plate of leftover pasta from Anton's.

The pasta was still fantastic reheated and with minimal use of my taste buds. Must be the chilli pepper flakes! Oddly enough, I started to feel better in the afternoon. Perhaps pasta was the magic cure? Either way, by 3pm I felt well enough to walk to my daughter's school to pick her up and didn't feel like I was going to pass out on the way there. Success! And of course, I celebrated that success with my last piece of protein bar when I got home.

After arriving home, I realized that my daughter still needed a few things for 'back to school'. I knew I worked evenings on Tuesday so figured I needed to suck it up and take her shopping even though I didn't feel well. The things us moms do for our kids right? So away we went to the mall where my daughter did a good job of draining me of my funds. I guess I was too sick and weak to say no? PS - I fully realize that all of you who know me well are laughing and saying to yourselves "yah right Shannon, like you have to be sick and weak to give in to your daughter at a shopping mall". :-P

Next thing that happened was that my husband called me to say that he had to leave work early because...you guessed it. He was sick now. Great. However, he surprised me and also said that he would come pick my daughter and I up at the mall on his way home. This is shocking 'cause us women know how sick men are. BABIES! Women get sick, suck it up and still do what they need to do. Men get sick and no one in the world has ever felt as sick as they have. Am I right? Or is it just my husband?? Either way, I appreciated the ride and love my hubby! Plus I have to give him credit...he took care of me when I was sick, and even made me soup!

When we got home the chicken was smelling up the house (in a good way). I considered just eating the mashed potatoes I made to go with the chicken, and calling that dinner. Then I thought about what everyone would think that was reading my blog!! So I decided that since I was feeling better for the most part that I would make myself something more substantial. So I opted for a quinoa stuffed acorn squash...with mashed potatoes on the side.

I followed the recipe with the exception of reducing the amount of ginger to roughly a 1 inch piece instead of a 2 inch piece based on reviews and also omitted the mozzarella cheese. It was so good! Because the reviews had also said that there was tons of filling with this recipe, I had bought a big acorn squash. And because the acorn squash was HUGE I only ate 1/4 of it with dinner. I saved the other 1/4 for lunch tomorrow. But just so you can see what the whole thing looked like....

Looks good hey? Well I thought so. My husband didn't touch it, but my daughter ate it!

As evidence that I was almost fully recovered, I had a glass of wine with dinner. Shannon's back!

After I ate dinner, I relaxed with my family until my daughter's bed time. Once she was in bed, I happened to look in the fridge and realized I didn't have anything to give her for lunch at school tomorrow! Luckily today she had leftover pasta otherwise we would've had a problem! So, I decided to walk to Safeway to buy some lunch stuff for her. And, since I was having a good mommy moment, when I got home, I decided to bake homemade oatmeal raisin cookies to surprise her in her lunch.

They turned out SO FREAKIN' GOOD! I have never in my life EVER baked oatmeal cookies. I was a bit worried I would burn them, because honestly I'm a much better cook than a baker. But I somehow got them right! The weird thing is that I think they taste better the next day than when they're first baked (unlike chocolate chip cookies). I was a bit unsure when I tried a cookie right after they came out of the oven. I couldn't decide if they were over-cooked, under-cooked or right. I actually only ate half of the cookie above and made my husband try the other half. He didn't seem to excited about them, but I couldn't tell if it was because he was sick or because they weren't good. So I went to bed and hoped for the best. I usually don't like to give away too much about the next day, but I will say that my husband and daughter both LOVED the cookies the next day. As did I. But you'll have to read my next post to hear more about it ;-)

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