Sunday, September 9, 2012

Being sick sucks! much for waking up, feeling better and going to Burnaby Hit! I woke up and felt worse! And I felt even more miserable that I couldn't go's amazing how guilty I feel when I miss, even when it's for a good reason! After lying in bed until 11, I decided that maybe some fresh air and cold medicine would do me good. My husband offered to go for me, but I'm stubborn and wanted to get some exercise in even if it was only he walked with me. We went to Shopper's, Cobb's and Safeway and I got cold medicine, bread, and stuff for soup. I also got a soy chai latte from Starbucks 'cause my throat hurt and I thought something warm would make it feel better.

Plus...I really like chai lattes! And as an added bonus, the barista messed up and made me a grande instead of a tall, but only charged me for a tall. Yay! When I got home, I needed to put something in my stomach, so I made some toast with my fresh multigrain bread.

That's all I ate because being sick wasn't doing much in terms of giving me an appetite. I rested in the afternoon, while my husband did some running around. I heated up leftover pizza for lunch for my daughter so she wouldn't starve! When my husband got home, I was feeling a bit better and decided to drive to Walmart to pick up a few things I needed. I thought I was getting better...but retrospectively I think it was just the cold medicine doing it's thing.

When I got home my amazing husband was just finishing chopping up all the veggies for the soup he was making me. I was a bit hungry at this point so I ate a protein bar.

It was literally the only thing in my fridge that looked appetizing to me at that moment....I was starting to feel real crappy again.Why did I think it was a good idea to go to Walmart? Oh right, 'cause I like to pretend I'm not sick when I am and I also hate sitting around doing nothing all day...

About an hour later and my soup was ready. It's called Husband's Healing Stew, which I thought was perfectly fitting.

It was delicious and was just what I needed (along with more cold medicine). Much thanks to my husband, who really doesn't cook, for making this. It was a lot of work and much appreciated. I love him!

Despite how good it tasted, I was only able to eat about half of my soup because I still wasn't feeling that great. My family ate too...they had ribs, creamed corn and potatoes.  I laid on the couch for most of the rest of the night. My daughter went to bed just as I was starting to feel a bit better. I watched TV with my husband...sort of. He mostly alternated between TV watching and dozing off. Apparently cooking is hard work for him haha! Because he wasn't really watching TV anyway, I decided that what I needed in order to feel better was a glass of wine accompanied by trashy TV. So I poured a little bit of Shiraz into a glass, grabbed a blanket and watched the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

To be honest it took me about two hours to drink this wine. I still wasn't feeling good...drinking wine wasn't very well thought out, but there was NO WAY I was throwing out wine. So I made myself drink it. And afterwards I went to bed...with a fuzzy head, a sore throat and a stuffy nose. I hate being sick! Which is exactly why I tried to pretend I wasn't today. Not much luck there...let's see how tomorrow goes.

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