Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lack of planning, being busy and feeling sad = this!

So here I am working on a late post again. I'll do my best to remember yesterday! The good news is that I didn't cave the night before and give into the Ms Vickie's chips that were sitting in front of me. The bad news is I slept in a bit in the morning and didn't have time to make breakfast. So, I rushed off to work and stopped in at Tim Horton's on my way to a meeting to grab a bagel.

Multigrain bagel, toasted, with the cream cheese on the side. I like to put it on myself 'cause they cake it on and it's kind of gross like that (in my opinion). More good news is that I managed to go into a coffee shop without leaving with a beverage. Typically Tim Horton's = hot chocolate for me. But I passed, ordered just the bagel and drank my water instead.

My meeting took FOREVER and by the time it was done, it was lunch time. Because I had slept in, I hadn't had a chance to pack a lunch. There's about a zillion restaurants to choose from in downtown Vancouver. My criteria was it needed to be cheap (didn't want to spend a ton of money), needed to be fast (didn't have a lot of time), needed to have takeout (didn't want to eat there) and needed to be semi-healthy (didn't want to ruin my diet)! I opted for Nu Greek and bought a chickpea salad.

Three dollars later and I had my lunch. It's a really good thing I like chickpeas though. Why? Because the guy that made my salad forgot to put the minty salad dressing on! That sucked, but I didn't notice until I got to my office and there was no way I was walking all the way back there to demand salad dressing. So - I ate it plain. Sigh.

A few more meetings in the afternoon and my work day was over. I rushed home, grabbed my workout bag and went to Burnaby Hit. Today Lisa was in and she made us work our butts off in the circuit. Somehow I made it through the circuit despite my limited food intake...though I did feel like crawling to my car afterward. I then raced to pick up my hubby in Richmond, let him drive us home and immediately ran to the fridge to get a protein bar. My body was starving!

Once I got that out of the way it was time to start thinking about dinner. Somehow I had nothing planned - so I did the obvious thing...drank a glass of wine while I figured it out.

In the end, nothing was jumping out at me. So, I settled on defrosting some minestrone soup from the freezer. That did the job!

After dinner, my plan was to go downtown for one last stroll (and maybe some ice cream) with my husband before our daughter came home. But, the weather still didn't want to cooperate with me (see yesterday's post) so we ended up staying home.

While we lounged around the house, I had a chance to text a bit with my bestie in Thunder Bay who just had her baby. As happy as I am for her, the conversation made me sad. I really want to be there with/for her...she was with me every step of the way through my pregnancy and was even in the delivery room with me 11 and a bit years ago!! But sadly, the timing just isn't right so I can't. Anyone that knows me well also knows that I'm NOT a crier. But I might've shed a tear or two last night :-(

And since the Ms Vickie's chips were still sitting in front of me, I might've coped with my tear or two with a chip or two...against my better judgment.

I'm trying really hard to break my bad eating habits. One of those bad eating habits is emotional eating. You know - eating when I'm bored. Eating when I'm sad. Eating when I'm angry. Eating when I experience any unpleasant emotion despite not being hungry! Tonight wasn't exactly a success in that regard. However, since I like to keep positive these days, I will point out that I didn't eat a bag of chips when I felt sad (the old Shannon would've for sure, probably followed by a chocolate bar and a second glass of wine). I ate a HANDFUL of chips when I felt sad, and I stuck to only eating that handful. So I'm going to focus on that okay?

And that was the end of my eating day. I went to bed with mixed feelings. Happy for my bestie, sad I couldn't be there and excited beyond belief that my daughter was coming home the next day!! Geez emotions are exhausting! Thank goodness for my comfy bed...and a fresh start tomorrow :-)

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