Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cultural eating day

Today I had about a zillion meetings scheduled. I knew it was going to be a long tiring day with little opportunity for snack breaks. So...I decided to eat a somewhat substantial breakfast to keep my stomach full until lunch. Any guesses? Yep. You got it. Cereal with yogurt!

If you've been following along, you probably also specifically guessed Kashi Honey Almond Flax cereal with raspberry yogurt. This time the yogurt was Source. No fat or something along those lines.

The granola/cereal mix did it's job and managed to get me through my morning meetings and tie me over until lunch. And then the cultural meal day began. I started with a Japanese lunch!

A few coworkers and I went out for lunch to celebrate a birthday among us. And since we decided to not mess with what works, we went to Junsei River. And because the meal starts with miso soup, I had some.

Further evidence of the fact that I didn't want to mess with what works is that I ordered Lunch Combination 12 again. Tofu teriyaki with rice and cucumber sushi rolls.

I'm going to be honest. I ate pretty much all of this with the exception of the rice. Normally I eat about 1/2 of it, but hey! I hadn't eaten since breakfast! I was a hungry girl! And for the record - it was good!

I really enjoyed my lunch company, and would have liked to stay for good conversation a little bit longer, but I had to run to finish off the last of my zillion meetings. As much as I'm kind of complaining about the meetings and being busy, the truth of the matter is I like that part of my job. I like doing the meetings and interviews and talking with the people I'm trying to help. So I shouldn't complain too much. Plus - meetings make the day fly by...which is always a BONUS!

After my busy day, I next hit up the gym. More specifically, I went to my second favourite place to go after work (besides home)...Burnaby Hit! Today Sarah was in and the circuit was almost packed full. There was tons of positive energy in the room and I worked my butt off! I had a little bit of assistance though. One of my coworkers generously offered me the opportunity to try out a pre-workout energizer I've been eying up. This was fantastic because I didn't want to spend the money to buy something I wasn't sure I'd like. Twenty minutes before my workout, I mixed the Vega with some water, took a deep breath and had a drink...and I'm going to be honest - it didn't taste too good. In fact I only drank about 3/4 of it because I just couldn't finish it all! Maybe it's an acquired taste? To Vega's credit, I will say that drinking it made a huge difference in my workout. I had tons of energy during the I guess it works! The nice thing is it didn't give me that crazy energy drink/caffeine/diet pill zingy gross feeling. Just an extra boost of energy. I might consider buying it. Part of me wants to just do this whole exercise/weight loss thing on my own. So we'll see...

In case you're wondering, I didn't take a picture of the drink because to me, it was basically water.  Plus it looks grosser than it tastes, so no one would really want to see that!

After my workout, I went to Richmond to pick my hubby up from work and we went home. On the way, we spoke to our daughter. We miss her like crazy! I can't wait til' she gets back in a week so I can squeeze her! Lucky chicklet got to go shopping today. While I worked. So unfair!

When we got home, my husband washed dishes. I quickly walked to Safeway to pick up the last thing I needed for cultural meal #2. While I walked I ate 20 almonds.

I needed to put something in my tummy! I hadn't eaten since lunch!

The missing ingredient I needed from Safeway was ground beef to make my hubby's tacos. It was Mexican food time! I used to be boring, and if I made beef tacos for my hubby and daughter, I just stuffed my taco shell with lettuce, cheese and salsa. However, now that I'm open to all sorts of beans and legumes, I made lentil tacos for me.

My opinion? These are freakin' delicious and I will never eat lettuce-cheese-salsa tacos again! I would probably just eat the filling right out of the pan instead of in the shell too. Actually - another confession - I did eat some out of the pan. have to taste test your food right?! I challenge you meat eaters to try these out. You might be surprised how good they are...and how little you miss the ground beef in tacos!

And with dinner. A glass of wine. Again. 'Cause this is what I do with dinner apparently.

So that's it for today...eats and otherwise. Now it's time for goodnight! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Shanny stick with whats working. You did this all without any help so far..
