Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oh my lateness...

I wish I had a good reason for not doing my blog last night, but I really don't. Basically, I was just plain TIRED. I uploaded my pics and couldn't for the life of me think of anything I wanted to say, so I decided to sleep on it. And here I am now in pretty much the same boat but there was NO WAY I was going to be two days behind. So here goes...

Yesterday morning I was determined to have a more substantial breakfast than just toast. So I got up a little bit early and made sure I had time for my Kashi Honey Almond Flax cereal and raspberry yogurt mix. I was glad I did because it really is yummy and I don't end up starving by the time I get to work.

Today was my 'Starbucks on' day so I stopped and grabbed a soy chai latte on my way to work.

I wish I could entertain you with stories of my day at work, but 1. I can't. It would be breaching all sorts of confidentiality rules and 2. I honestly can't even remember what I did at work yesterday because I've been so freakin' busy the last few days it's all a blur! When I get to today's post I'm not even sure I can remember what I did!

I do however know, thanks to numbered photos, that the next thing I did at work yesterday was eat my lunch! This means I didn't have a midmorning snack, which is further evidence that my breakfast did it's job today.

Today's lunch was the super yummy Avocado-Black Bean Salad. I could probably eat this every week and not get sick of it. I love this salad! Remember to see my past post for the changes I make to the recipe when I make it!

After lunch and in between work time and going home time I ate some snacks. All good. All in order.

Nectarines and...

...Mary's rice crackers with hummus and...

...10 almonds with 10 grapes.

I know that after I ate my snacks I went to teach my program. Outside of a guy forgetting that he shouldn't answer his phone and proceed to have a conversation with his girlfriend while he's in program, it was pretty uneventful. Quote of the evening (while NOT breaching any confidentiality rules)..."Can I call you back 'cause this lady is harsh staring at me right now". Sigh....

Because my past few days have been so chaotic and busy at work, by the time I got home Tuesday evening I was exhausted. And somewhat stressed. And hungry. There's a bad habit for you...eating when you're stressed! On top of that, I didn't have a dinner plan which is always bad when I'm really hungry. Why? Because the answer is often, "screw it, I can't make up my what to eat so I'll have french fries". So, instead of doing this, I made a piece of toast.

Nothing exciting...just the usual. Cobb's multigrain bread with a little bit of butter. The plan was that this would tie me over until I figured out a real dinner plan.

After I ate this, I still was not inspired in terms of dinner AND I still was feeling a bit stressed from work so I decided to go for a run to clear my head. I blared techno/dubstep, ran roughly 4km and felt a whole lot better by the time I got home. That's not to say the run was easy however. About 1-2 kms in I felt beat. I basically wanted to just give up and go home. But then I pictured this inspirational photo...

... so I sucked it up and continued on. Amazing what positive self-talk can do for you! And, since I not only exercised, but managed to run my whole route without giving up I celebrated with a protein bar!

Then it was time to figure out dinner. I've been having mad pasta cravings lately and I finally gave in to them. While I made pasta I did the obvious thing you do when you are cooking or eating pasta (or at least what I do when I'm cooking or eating pasta). I had a glass of wine!

Yay for Shiraz!

And here is my pasta creation. Except it's not actually my creation. It's based on this super basic recipe. Essentially it's linguini mixed with garlic (I used about 4 cloves), red pepper flakes, and chopped fresh basil sauteed in olive oil. It's mixed together and then topped with shredded Parmesan cheese. Basic. Easy. Yummy. Probably not a lot of nutritional value.

I will note it was a salad sized plate so I was trying to practice some level of portion control. Also, it isn't french fries. This counts for something right?

And that was my eating day. Afterwards, I laid on the couch. I watched Hell's Kitchen. I tried to watch a movie with my husband. Then I gave up on the movie, tried to do my blog (uploaded the pics), gave up on that too (see my first paragraph) and went to bed. Which brings me to today...and I'll post that in a bit too!

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